Do I need to know why I feel a certain way or what I need to let go of to come see you?
Absolutely not.
Emotional release therapy is for anyone experiencing emotional pain, trauma or frustration that feels hard to resolve. Oftentimes we have no clue where it came from of why it is showing up. Emotional release therapy is a way of discovering past experiences that are keeping your body stuck in old patterns and giving you the opportunity to let them go.
Do you see children or teenagers?
Yes - I see age 6 and up.
This therapy is for anyone but I prefer to work with children with the ability to connect and shift their own emotions. This is effective for emotional and physical pain. This modality is so great for children as they are able to easily and quickly let things go and move forward.
How often do I need to come?
As often as you’d like but I generally recommend 4 to 8 times as new things come up as the old are let go. And after that - maintenance as needed by you.
What is Emotional Release Therapy?
It is a process that helps people release unresolved negative emotions and limiting belief systems that may have been there for a long time or shown up recently. Emotions such as depression, grief, anger, sadness, fear can be resolved and released so that you may experience freedom, calmness and the ability to manage your emotions powerfully.
how does it work?
We begin the sessions with empathy dialog, talking and dreaming about how you want to feel and react to negative emotions in your life.
And I always ask my clients these two things.
Next we muscle test what predominant emotion is happening and then find the original time that emotion showed up in your life and the old belief system behind it.
We then do some deep breathing along with "forgiveness statements" which is the letting go of the old stories, pain and way of being stuck.
You then get to walk out of the door with freedom, peace and calmness.
Who benefits from Emotional release therapy?
All ages can benefit from this therapy along with anyone experiencing:
Grief | Sadness | Frustration
Anger | Fear | Addictions
Insomnia | Loss of control | Trauma
Guilt | Loss | Disgust | Adoption trauma
Death of a loved one | Life Transitions
Dissatisfaction with self or others
The ERT process is one that clients generally need 4-8 (1 hour) sessions total with maintenance sessions whenever the client is feeling they are needed.
**All services are available virtually